Job search and Personal Leadership

Structurally increase the fulfilment and success you experience at work

We humans are conditioned to let certain patterns of perception quickly determine our actions. Many of these patterns however, take place in our unconscious mind and are therefore difficult to recognize.

This is why an in-depth knowledge of your internal drivers so important. It helps to see through these conditionings and to increase your consciousness of what it is that makes you you perceive the situation the way you do, and why it makes you feel, react, behave and/or perform as you do, achieving the results you got thus far. It reveals the silent engine behind the happiness and fulfilment you experience at work, and explains or predicts the extent to which you are or will be intrinsically motivated to perform at you peak.

A valuable insight that not only enables you to analyse and explain the current situation and to predict the outcome of alternative and new scenarios in the future, but also serves as a blueprint and a concrete checklist to improve the current situation you are in -or to find a new job- that brings true fulfilment and success, because it fulfils your inner drive and strongest emotional needs. 

Improve the current situation at work -or find a new job- in which the role you fulfil or the work you do no longer feels like working, because you have an inner desire to do it

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1. Increase your self-knowledge

  • See at a glance what makes you Tick and what drives your feelings, subconsious behavior as well as the performances you deliver at work
  • Reveal your strongest emotional needs and inner desires
  • Learn more about what you need most in your work and from others to experience true fulfilment, and to be motivated intrinsically to perform and collaborate at your peak
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2. Analyse and explain the current situation

-> If your aim is to improve the current situation at work:

    • To what extent are you currently able to live by your most important values?
    • To what extent does the current situation fulfil your strongest motivational drives?
    • Which emotional needs are being fulfilled?
    • Which emotional needs remain unfulfilled?
    • How does this affect the fulfilment you experience at work, and your intrinsic motivation to perform at your peak?
    • How does this affect your overall performance?
    • How does this affect your collaboration with others?

-> If your aim is to search for a new job:

    • Which values do you need to be able to live by in your new role?
    • Which motivational drivers and emotional needs need to be fulfilled?
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3. Predict the outcome of future scenarios

  • Make accurate predictions about future scenarios and the extent to which a alternative situation or new job, role and key duties enable you to live by your most important values and fulfil your strongest motivational drivers.
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4. Explore your options

-> If your aim is to improve your current situation at work:

Focus on the motivational drives and underlying values that are not being fulfilled at the moment and in the current situation:

    • What can be done differently to fulfil these lacking emotional needs?
    • What can you yourself do?
    • What can others or his superiors do to help you?

-> If your aim is to find a new job or different role:

Verify whether the new role or position you have in mind matches with your strongest motivational drivers and enables you to achieve your personal goals:

    • Which values will you be able to live by?
    • Which motivational drivers will be fulfilled?
    • Which emotional needs remain unfilfilled?
    • How will this affect the fulfilment you will experience in this new role or position, as well as your intrinsic motivation to perform at your peak?
    • Based on this, how likely is it that you will be successful in this new role or position?
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5. Action time!

Use the overview of your strongest motivational drivers and most important values as a blueprint and a concrete checklist to work towards the ideal situation -or to find a new role or position- that will make you truly and structurally happy and successful because it fulfils your inner drive and strongest emotional needs.



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