Value Cards

Scarfforce fysieke waardenkaarten

Why do your clients or employees feel, behave and perform as they do? And what can you do to increase the happiness and stimulate their intrinsic motivation to unlock their full potential?

Use the value cards to reveal their motivational drivers and to create a concrete checklist that they can use to find true fulfilment and success in their work and their relationships at work.


Scarfforce_physical valuecards_Direct Insight into the motivational drivers



Reveal the motivational drives and most important values that make your clients or colleagues Tick at work

  • Gain direct insight into what drives your clients or employees at work
  • Give your clients (or employees) valuable insights and useful tips to manage the degree to which they experience fulfilment and success in their work
  • Create a concrete checklist you can instantly use to analyse the current or potential future situation
  • Make accurate predictions whether a situation will or will not work optimal for them
  • Work in a targeted manner towards a working situation in which the role they fulfil or the situation they are in makes them truly happy and successful, because it fulfils their strongest motivational drivers and most important emotional needs
Scarfforce_What makes you tick?_Value model

An intuitive, fast and fun method and technique to assess and reveal their motivational drivers and values

Our 2 or 3 strongest motivational drivers not only determine how we percieve and interpret the world we live in. They also create our deeply held beliefs about what feels ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for us, and our values based on which we decide to do something. Therefore, by assessing what we value most (and least) at work, we can find out more about what drives us, and retrieve our strongest motivational drivers. The Physical Value Cards is physical instrument and research tool you can use to instantly retrieve the strongest motivational drivers of your colleagues or clients by assessing their values.

30 universal and timeless values

The 30 universal and timeless values that are used during this exercise find their origin in the value models of (among others) Maslow, Barrett, Rokeach, Schwarz, Reiss, Fransen, Van der Vorst and Vyncke.

120 international and validated images

The images used on the value cards have been carefully selected out of a database with over 10.000 images, are validated extensively and internationally based on empirical research among approximately 4.500 persons, and are applicable in every country where the Western culture is dominant.

Scarfforce fysieke waardenkaarten

Each set contains 30 Values Cards and costs €95 including VAT, and excluding €3.75 delivery costs within the Netherlands or €8.75 outside the Netherlands.

Scarfforce manual

Ensure best efforts

If you like to ensure yourself of a proper deployment of the Physical Value Cards, use the Scarfforce manual. In this user-friendly manual you will find everything you need to know and all the steps you need to take to retrieve and interpret the motivational drivers of your colleagues/clients. As well as how to use these insights to analyse and optimize the current situation.


  • A summary of the underlying theory and the motivational drivers that -subconsiously- drive our emotions, intrinsic motivation and behaviour at work
  • A detailed description of;
    • the exercise and all the steps you need to take to retrieve the motivational drivers of your colleagues/ clients
    • how to interpret their stongest motivational drivers, and most important values
    • the situations that fulfil these drivers and their strongest emotional needs
    • the situations that do the exact opposite
    • how these situations effect:
      • their intrinsic motivation to perform or to collaborate the best they can
      • and the happiness, fulfilment and success they experience at work
    • how to analyse and interpret the current situation at work or in a working relationship
    • how you can use this information and insights to
      • increase the happiness, fulfilment and success they experience at work
      • improve their collaboratio with others

Costs: €35 including 21% VAT and excluding €3.75 delivery costs within the Netherllands or €8.75 outside the Netherlands.

Intuitive Research Methodology

Calibrated images ensure unbiased insights

Scarfforce Value Cards Research methodology

Neuroscientific research has shown that we humans are very bad at predicting our own behaviour. This is due to the fact that  over 90% of our behaviour is driven by emotions that come from the innermost part of our brain which we call the limbic system: A part of our brain that is visually oriented, “thinks” in images and has no capacity for language.

To ensure participants react intuitively to the values presented in the scan and to address their limbic system, we therefore use calibrated images and gamification techniques. Techniques that prevent an activation of the Neo Cortex and minimize the chance of providing socially desirable answers. And a possible bias of the scan results. Each value card contains 4 calibrated images that are carefully selected out of a database with over 5,000 reference images.


Both the value cards and the research methodology have been extensively validated based on international empirical research among over 4,500 people, and have a proven reliability of more than 95%.

Order your set of value cards here!

Order your Value Cards online and via this website. Payment can be done securely and quickly with iDEAL from your own trusted banking environment or by Credit Card. After you have placed your order and have made the payment, you will receive your order:

  • Within 3 to 5 working days on any address in the Netherlands 
  • Within 5 to 10 working days on any address outside the Netherlands



    Haarlemmerstraat 121, 1013 EN Amsterdam

    Reveal the reasons why your clients/employees act, feel and perform as they do. And increase the fulfilment and success they experience at work.